Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride follows many of the mythology archetypes. It follows the Hero's Journey:

Departure: Wesley leaves Princess Buttercup to earn money so they can get married. Shortly after , Buttercup hears that he has been killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Initiation: After 5 years, Buttercup, believing there is nothing else she can do, regretfully agrees to marry Prince Humperdinck.

The Road of Trials: Before her wedding to the prince, Buttercup is kidnapped by 3 robbers. Humperdinck catches on and follows after them in pursuit. They are also followed by a mysterious man who is dressed in all black and wears a mask. This man catches up and defeats all 3 outlaws and finally gets Princess Buttercup. Over time, it is revealed that the mysterious man is actually Wesley, who had become the new Dread Pirate Roberts. They endure the trials of the Fire Swamp and are found shortly after by the Prince. He takes Buttercup with him and sends Wesley to a chamber to be tortured. Buttercup believes he is safe, somewhere else. Two of the outlaws form before come back and rescue him and they become friends. The wedding is being held that night, so they must find a way to rescue Princess Buttercup from Prince Humperdinck.

The Innermost Cave: They invade the castle and the wedding is put on hold. Before Buttercup commits suicide, Wesley comes in and saves her. They trick Prince Humperdinck and get away.

Return and Reintegration: At the end, they get married and live happily ever after.

Wesley: Hero
Buttercup: Damsel in Distress
Humperdinck: Devil Figure
Outcasts: the robbers